If you use a search engine to find South Alabama Electric’s website to pay your electric account, please make sure you select the link to the cooperative’s website.
Members may unintentional click a link from an online payment processor not affiliated with the cooperative. These companies may appear legitimate because they use our co-op logo. They design their payment pages to look official and mimic the cooperative’s actual web page. However, if you read the fine print, you’ll see that they are not affiliated with the cooperative and most charge a fee for their service. Third party bill payment services such as Doxo, allow you to pay your various bills online, but what they don’t tell you is how long it takes for your payment to arrive at the cooperative. Third-party payment systems that are not integrated into South Alabama Electric Cooperative’s billing system and may take several business days longer to process.
Many times these companies simply print out a physical check and mail it to us on your behalf. If that payment is made too close to the bill’s due date, it may result in an avoidable late fee. Likewise, members who submit payments on a disconnect notice may run the risk of their payment not making it to our system before their service is cut off.
Always remember that SAEC’s official website will show you your actual balance and we will not charge you a fee to pay your bill. As long as you are using the pay bill option on our homepage, calling (877) 566-0611 or have an automatic bank draft set up to pay your bills online, you can rest assured that your payments will always post the instant you make them.