Stay Warm & Save

Home iconMany members think the key to keeping their electric bill consistent is leaving their thermostat at the same temperature all year. Unfortunately, even if the temperature in your home remains unchanged, your heating system has to work harder to maintain it during colder months.

But keeping your electric bill under control during the fall and winter months doesn’t have to be complicated. Try a few of these simple steps around your home to see how much of a difference it can make on your monthly electric bill.

  • Check your insulation — If your insulation is outdated, your home could be losing warm air faster and letting cold air in, creating more work for your heating system.
  • Get a programmable thermostat — Newer thermostats help you save money by setting a base temperature when you’re out during the day and then adjusting to comfortable levels before you get home.
  • Check the seals on doors and windows — Most homes lose about 20% of their heat around windows and doors. Make sure those gaps are properly sealed so that your home’s heating system isn’t working harder than it needs to.
  • Adjust your water heater temperature — By default, most water heaters are set to 140 degrees F when installed. Lowering that setting to 120 F can save 6% to 10% on your electric bill each month and still provide plenty of hot water.
  • Dress for the weather — Instead of reaching for the thermostat, consider pulling on a sweatshirt and a pair of warm socks to stay comfortable while keeping your electric bill under control.
  • Let the sun in — Keep blinds and curtains open during the day to let the sun naturally heat your home. At night, keep them closed to help trap warmth inside.
  • Fire things up — A fireplace can be a great way to naturally heat your home. But when the fire isn’t burning, be sure to close the damper to keep cold air out.
  • Only heat the rooms you use — Don’t waste electricity by warming rooms no one is using. For spaces like guest rooms and basements, keep vents and doors closed to save on the cost of heating them.