Ready to Dig in?

Child and adult digging with a shovel The weather is warming up, which means it’s time to start planting flowers, tilling gardens and taking on those projects around the house you’ve been planning all winter.

April is National Safe Digging Month, and it’s a great reminder to call 811 before getting your hands dirty on any home improvement projects that require breaking ground.

Based on your location, your call will be sent to the correct 811 call center. If you do plan to do some digging on your property, once you notify 811, you can make a request that underground utilities be marked with flags to avoid any incidents.

Utility lines are often located only a few inches below the ground’s surface. Digging before calling 811 risks not only disrupting service for yourself and your neighbors, but you are also putting your own safety in danger.

Before beginning your project, check out this useful info for determining which col-or flags represent underground utility lines. These are used as a universal marking guide by the American Public Works Association.

Dig flag color chart
Notify — Call 2 to 3 days before starting to dig, or make a request online at the Alabama Safety website, to notify your local call center about your plans. They will let you know if there are any affected utilities in your area.