Pay on Your Schedule with Prepay Billing

Man looking at his mobile deviceAt South Alabama Electric Cooperative, we know no 2 members are the same. Each of you has your own way of planning ahead, your own strategy for setting a budget and your own approach to managing your expenses.

That’s why SAEC offers a variety of billing options to fit everyone’s lifestyle. For members who prefer the regularity of a monthly payment, traditional billing methods provide familiarity. But for members who are looking for flexibility and control, prepay billing is the answer.

You can think of prepay like filling your car with gas. Rather than worry about deposits, late fees and disconnect fees that can come with traditional billing, prepay lets you “fill up the tank” ahead of time and track usage so you know when you’re running low. For most members, prepay billing also adds up to savings. By setting up text and email alerts to notify them about their daily balance, members can gain a better understanding of how their day-to-day habits impact their usage.

If you forget to add money to your account, SAEC will even send you a notification to let you know when your remaining balance drops below $20. So you never have to worry about unexpectedly hitting zero.

The prepay system is also automated, saving members the time and associated fees of calling the office to ask someone to disconnect or reconnect service.

If your balance drops to zero, the system will wait 24 hours before disconnecting service. Reconnecting service is as easy as paying the necessary funds into your account.

Visit our Prepay Billing page.

Try prepay billing today to:

  • Save money by learning about your usage habits.
  • Receive daily balance notifications.
  • Stop end-of-month billing surprises.
  • Avoid deposits, late fees and disconnect fees.
  • Make payments when you want, in the amount you want.

Join the hundreds of members who have already signed up or learn more by calling (800) 556-2060 today!