If you own a manufactured home, it probably came with an electric furnace. An electric furnace may bring the price of your home down in the short term, but did you know it can lead to increased heating costs over time?
That’s why South Alabama Electric Cooperative and its wholesale power provider, PowerSouth, have partnered to help members upgrade to a more energy-efficient heat pump:
If you are an SAEC member who is in the market for a new manufactured home, the cooperative will cover the difference in cost between an electric furnace and a heat pump up to $700*, paid to the home dealer.
Members who already own a manufactured home can get a rebate of $400 per ton to convert their existing electric furnace to a more efficient heat pump.
By upgrading, SAEC members can save an average of $550 per year on heating costs. With those savings, you could start a new home project or treat the kids!
Cost Comparisons
Electric Furnace Annual Cost
Heating Cost $750
Cooling Cost $480
Heat Pump Annual Cost
Heating Cost $200
Cooling Cost $480