Thomas Bodiford Seized an Opportunity

Thomas Bodiford

When Thomas Bodiford was a senior in high school, his football coach approached him and randomly asked if the young man was afraid of heights.

After Bodiford said no, the coach asked if he’d be interested in working as a lineman and going to a school to learn the trade. While Bodiford was in a dual enrollment welding program at a local community college, he told the coach if the opportunity to attend a lineman school came up, he’d consider it. About a week later, the coach told Bodiford about a scholarship opportunity through South Alabama Electric Cooperative (SAEC).

Before he knew it, Bodiford was meeting with management at SAEC, getting a scholarship, and was off to the Elite Lineman Training Institute in Tunnel Hill, Georgia, for an 11-week program. Now a C-class lineman, or apprentice, with SAEC’s service department, Bodiford joined the SAEC family in 2023.

What Are Your Responsibilities?

In the service department, we get service orders come in and our job is to fill all those orders. It may be yard lights are not working or voltage troubles, stuff like that. And, of course, when outages come in, we’re the first people they call.

What Made You Want To Join the SAEC Team?

Well, while I was in lineman school, they said that I didn’t have to come to work down here, but after coming to visit a few times, I saw this was actually a good place. I’m not the type to travel and to go around to places, so I didn’t want to do contract work. So, I just happened to ask 1 day, “Y’all got a spot?” The opportunity was given, and I just took it.

What’s Your Favorite Part of the Job?

Probably operating a bucket truck — that’s a good part. And when we get outages back on, seeing people come out and wave and say thank you. That’s a good part, too. It makes you feel special.

What Do You Think Is the Most Important Impact SAEC Has on Its Community?

Just providing the power.

What’s Your Favorite Thing To Do When You Aren’t Working?

I like to go trail riding and ride four-wheelers with my buddies.

What’s the Best Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Been Given?

My brother told me 1 time before he left, he said, “Always stay humble and never take anything for granted.”