South Alabama Electric Cooperative has been recognized by Touchstone Energy as a member cooperative that received 1 of the top 5 scores in member satisfaction for energy utility services among all cooperatives participating in a quarterly measurement.
In the second quarter of 2024, SAEC received an American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) score of 89 on a 100-point scale.* SAEC’s score is higher when compared to publicly measured cooperative utility scores reported in the syndicated 2024 ACSI Energy Utility Study. The score places SAEC 15 points higher than the average investor-owned utility score of 74, 14 points higher than the average municipal utility score of 75, and 11 points higher than the average cooperative utility score of 78.
“We are proud of the ACSI score, but we are always trying to improve our service to our members,” SAEC General Manager David Bailey says. “The employees of South Alabama Electric Cooperative work hard, and it’s wonderful to see those efforts reflected in such a score. Our members come first under our core values as an electric cooperative as well as a Touchstone Energy member. We try to support our members and our communities in everything we do as a cooperative.”
SAEC was 1 of 18 member cooperatives around the country, including 3 in Alabama, recognized by Touchstone Energy. The 5 highest scores for the second quarter measurement ranged from 89 to 93.
The ACSI measures customer satisfaction in products and services for U.S. industries and economic sectors — government, health care, energy utilities, restaurants, manufacturing, and more. The public and private sectors use the index to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.