Cooperative members are encouraged to read the message on their billing statements each month. Many times this is the best way of communicating timely information to cooperative members. The message may contain useful energy saving tips or other information concerning services available to members or it may bring news of an upcoming event in the cooperative's service area.
Alabama Living Magazine
Each member receives a copy of Alabama Living magazine which is published monthly. The co-op seeks to communicate with the membership through this publication about activities, programs, new developments and other interesting facts and features about the co-op.
The annual meeting of the members of South Alabama Electric Cooperative is held on the last Tuesday of October at a place designated by the Board of Trustees.
All members are invited to attend and hear reports on the operation of their co-op during the fiscal year. They have an opportunity to take an active part in the transaction of any business that may come before the membership.
The manager and trustees attempt to make the annual meetings interesting, informative and entertaining. By attending, you will have a better knowledge of your cooperative and exercise your right to take an active part in its operation.
Rural electric cooperatives were initially formed when the commercial, investor-owned power companies refused to serve the vast area of rural America because it was sparsely populated, thus not profitable. The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) was created by the U.S. government to loan money to groups of people who were banding together to build electric lines into rural America. Thus were born rural electric cooperatives such as South Alabama Electric. Co-ops are private enterprises owned and operated by the people they serve. The members elect a Board of Trustees who make the policies of the co-op. The Board employs a manager who in turn hires a staff of employees to carry out the policies and operate and maintain the co-op's lines and equipment. The bylaws constitute an agreement between the membership and the cooperative. Upon signing an application for membership and electric service, you the member, agree to be bound by the provisions of the bylaws and rules and regulations of the cooperative as adopted by the Board of Trustees. Membership requires a low $5 connection charge.